(915) 860-0796 EPBPIM501c3@gmail.com


      For man does not live by bread alone…


Our community, presently needs educational workshops with capable and experienced teachers of Meditation to benefit families in need of learning how to cope and eliminate stress.

Many families are living a dynamic experience of anger,

Many families are living a dynamic experience of anger, frustration, post-traumatic stress because of natural disasters, and other life experiences. Our purpose is to be able to provide assistance in bringing them hope, and emotional stability.

We thank you for having us in your heart and your helping us to help others. We are sure that any amount you destine for these goals will be highly appreciated by those who benefit from it.

Your donation is tax deductible. Donating is easy, to begin click on the button below.



We offer a series of technique that are created by the need and knowledge of each person. That is why this way of teaching them to meditate is successful. Our teaching is known as Ishaya Ascension and those who offer it are Ishaya Monks. We have dedicated our lives to help our fellow human being who are ready to move forward in life. This course is offered mostly on weekends.


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